Installing the Xoralia Teams app

Installing the Xoralia Teams apps

Installing Xoralia in Teams (with notifications)

To enable Xoralia in Teams and the custom Xoralia notifications we have configured, you may need the app package from our support team.

Note you must have admin centre permission privileges to continue with the following process.

Once you have the app file (will come in ZIP file form), you will need to open the following URL:

Click upload new app, once uploaded, you should then see the Teams app in the Microsoft Teams store for you to install to your Teams client.

Users will then be able to pin Xoralia themselves, or you will able to do this as an administrator organisation wide within the admin centre.

Notifications will automatically work once the package has been uploaded.

Download user guide: Installing the Xoralia Teams app

Xoralia SPFX Installation Guide

Xoralia SPFX Installation Guide


This deployment document describes how to install the Xoralia SPFX web parts and adaptive card extensions (ACE’s) onto a SharePoint Tenancy.

This document assumes that:

  • The deployment is undertaken by a competent I.T. professional
  • The person undertaken the deployment has administrator permissions (including access to the SharePoint App Catalogue).

At the end of the deployment, the SharePoint tenancy will have access to the following SPFX web parts and ACE’s:

  1. Must read documents web part (targeted)
  2. All documents library web part
  3. Documents due for review web part (targeted)
  4. Org-wide documents due for review web part
  5. Expired documents VIVA extension card
  6. Must read documents VIVA extension card
  7. Documents due for review VIVA extension card

How to deploy the “Xoralia-SPFX.sppkg” package to your App Catalogue

Visit the admin centre for your SharePoint tenancy (*, where ‘*’ is the name of your tenant.

Click “More Features” in the left panel.

Click the “Open” under the Apps section of “More Features”

Click “App Catalog”

Click “Apps for SharePoint” in the left panel

Click “Upload” and select the “xoralia-spfx.sppkg” file and click Open

Select the “Make this solution available…” checkbox if you would like to deploy the Xoralia SPFX web part’s and ACE’s to every site on your tenancy, otherwise leave unchecked.

If you leave it unchecked you will need to add the app manually to each site.

Click “Deploy”.

We then need to approve Microsoft Graph API. To do that, you can use either Option 1 or Option 2.

Option 1

Go back to the SharePoint Admin Center and click “API access” in the left-hand side panel

Approve the “User.ReadBasic.All” and “Sites.Read.All” permissions. The “API access” window should then look like below:

Option 2

Visit and go into the “App Registrations”

Click “All applications” and then click on “SharePoint Online Client Extensibility Web Application Principal”

Click the Ellipsis on the grey bar, then click “Add to configured permissions”.

Click “Yes, add”

Click “Grant admin consent for {{tenant}}”

Click “Yes”

Visit a page and click the edit button, then the “+” icon to add a web part. Type Xoralia in the search bar and the four web parts should appear

Add the web parts to the page to check that policies are rendered with no errors.

Add the All documents library web part to the page and configure the web part properties to make sure that policies are shown for at least one document library

Now we will add the Adaptive Card Extensions to the Viva Connections Dashboard. The dashboard is only available on the “Home” site.

For this deployment guide we will use the “Policies” site, however you should take some deliberation with the rest of your organisation in deciding what site is best served to show the Dashboard.

Go to the SharePoint Admin centre (* and click “Settings”. Then select “Home Site” then type out the root URL of the site you want to set the Home site as then click “Save”.

Visit the site you have selected as your “Home” site (in this case and click the settings cog, then “Set up Viva Connections”.

NOTE: Sometimes it can take some time for this option to show up – try going in and out of Site Contents to force the option to appear

Click “Create Dashboard”

You will then be redirected to the Dashboard page, where you can add the ACE’s

Download user guide: Xoralia SPFX Installation Guide

Web part and viva add on package

Xoralia webparts and Viva adaptive card extensions

Xoralia web parts

Web parts are the core components that build value in any SharePoint intranet site. To keep your organisation using the intranet as a high-value resource, Xoralia provides 4 bolt-on web parts. These include:

All documents library web part

This web part displays all documents within document libraries that have been synced with Xoralia to allow the end user to browse. Note the document libraries must be selected to show by the Site Owner within the web part properties in order for the web part to work correctly.

Must read documents web part (targeted)

This web part is targeted to end users within the intranet and will show them documents that have been assigned to them to read.

Documents due for review web part (targeted)

This web part is targeted to end users within the intranet to show the user documents they have been assigned to maintain the validity of, and therefore shows them documents pending update or documents that have expired (review lapsed).

Org-wide documents due for review web part

This web part is most helpful for managers or the compliance team and displays all documents across all documents libraries and document owners in Xoralia that have expired.

Click here to view Xoralia web parts installation instructions >

Viva addon extensions

Viva extensions are a powerful tool that can help utilise productivity. Xoralia's adaptive card extensions deliver notifications directly to your Viva account, so that you never have to miss a thing! These include:

Must read documents VIVA extension card

This VIVA extension shows the user the documents they have been assigned to read and attest to.

Documents due for review VIVA extension card

This VIVA extension shows the user the documents they own that are pending their review.

Expired documents VIVA extension card

This VIVA extension shows the user the documents they own that have expired (review date lapsed).

Click here to view Xoralia extension card installation instructions >

Download user guide: Web part and viva add on package

Can’t see the Viva web parts in your page web part catalogue?

Can't see the Viva web parts in your page web part catalogue?

The issue is likely because the site or page you're trying to add the web part onto has not been set as a Home site by the SharePoint administrator. VIVA extensions are limited to only being available on Home sites.

See below instructions on how to make a site a Home site to allow for VIVA extension web parts.

1. Open SP admin center. Click settings > click Home site and add URL.

2. Once step one is complete, in the site, you should see 'Set up Viva Connections'.

3. Now click on 'Add a card' > Choose webpart / card > For configuration, click edit icon. Then click Republish.

4. In the main site, you can now edit the page and add webpart 'Dashboard for Viva Connection'

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