Document lifecycle
Security resilience
Assigning mandatory reads
Documents & tags
What are workflows and how you can use them to update your document directly in Xoralia
Updating documents in SharePoint (or any generic platform) can be a cumbersome and fragmented process that often leads to draft documents being downloaded, version history becoming confusing and lack of perceived progress without an audit trail on who has updated the document and when. With Xoralia, the process is simple, effective and allows for collaboration but with seamless audit trails and minimal confusion – all while the current live document remains visible and readable for the general user.
Xoralia’s process means that the live document remains untouched (and un-editable and non-downloadable) and available for perusal for all users, meanwhile the draft is created in its own area when the document owner can amend the draft then distribute the documents for review and approval once it’s ready.
Xoralia’s audit logs allows for multiple collaborators of a document, and typically a review and approval stage ahead of publishing. Xoralia flexible workflows allow for the document owner to create their own update workflow process, with traceable feedback, track changes and custom recipients. Whereas Xoralia workflow builder allows for a more rigid workflow process, where mandatory reviews and approvals can be named, additional stages can be added for multiple review and approval levels and sequences flows can contain ‘informed’ recipients (for those with no action but should remain in the loop with updates).