Web part and viva add on package

Xoralia webparts and Viva adaptive card extensions

Xoralia web parts

Web parts are the core components that build value in any SharePoint intranet site. To keep your organisation using the intranet as a high-value resource, Xoralia provides 4 bolt-on web parts. These include:

All documents library web part

This web part displays all documents within document libraries that have been synced with Xoralia to allow the end user to browse. Note the document libraries must be selected to show by the Site Owner within the web part properties in order for the web part to work correctly.

Must read documents web part (targeted)

This web part is targeted to end users within the intranet and will show them documents that have been assigned to them to read.

Documents due for review web part (targeted)

This web part is targeted to end users within the intranet to show the user documents they have been assigned to maintain the validity of, and therefore shows them documents pending update or documents that have expired (review lapsed).

Org-wide documents due for review web part

This web part is most helpful for managers or the compliance team and displays all documents across all documents libraries and document owners in Xoralia that have expired.

Click here to view Xoralia web parts installation instructions >

Viva addon extensions

Viva extensions are a powerful tool that can help utilise productivity. Xoralia's adaptive card extensions deliver notifications directly to your Viva account, so that you never have to miss a thing! These include:

Must read documents VIVA extension card

This VIVA extension shows the user the documents they have been assigned to read and attest to.

Documents due for review VIVA extension card

This VIVA extension shows the user the documents they own that are pending their review.

Expired documents VIVA extension card

This VIVA extension shows the user the documents they own that have expired (review date lapsed).

Click here to view Xoralia extension card installation instructions >

Download user guide: Web part and viva add on package

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