AD groups and how we use them in Xoralia

AD groups and how we use them in Xoralia

It would be an unmanageable task to assign documents to your wider organisation by individual. To resolve that problem, Xoralia uses Active Directory (AD) and O365 Groups to help target a document for attestation.

When assigning a document, the document will allow the document owner to select as many Groups or individuals as they want within the Assign to audience field. This field is smarter than it looks, when using an AD group it is also dynamic and will adapt to changes made within the Active Directory automatically.

For example, if you assign a document to an AD group of people to read and they have 30 days to read the document, as and when new people are added to the group Xoralia will assign the document to them too. When using the relative read by date field, this also gives the new user the amount of time specified to read the document as to when they were added. It may be the case everyone needs to read the document by a fixed date, lets say 31/03/2023 – but we think that would be less likely than a relative date as to when the document was requested to be read by each user.

Subsequently, if a user is removed from the Active Directory group the opposite happens – the assignment for the user to attest to the document is cancelled. However, users and their read records will always remain. If an individual leaves the organisation, their read audit log is not lost and will still be available within the document read reports ‘log’ tab.

User reports for everyone will also always be available in the reports tab for Xoralia system admi users.

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