Read report

Read report

Within the read report there are three tabs for attestation information. The read and not read tabs are indicative of all individuals that are currently assigned the document and their attestation (read) status.

The log tab, provides an extensive view of all read history of the document, regardless of active assignments, plus details of when email reminders have been sent by document owners.

All tabs are downloadable, using the ‘Download this report’ button.

The read tab will give you details of all active assignees that have read the document. It also details the version of the document they read, on what date and other information such as if the status was overridden by the document owner at any point in time.

The not read tab is the same format as the read tab, including functionality to search for users within the assignment by name, location, and department. As a document owner you can also override the status of each individual if desired.

The read log will provide a record of all actions against the documents for both currently assigned and no longer assigned individuals. For example, if someone has left the company, their read records will remain in the log tab.

The log tab is also useful to see when email reminders have been sent to document readers.

All information displayed within the read tabs (including log) is also available in download excel form and follows the same format.

Download user guide: Read report

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