Reporting & audit trail

Reporting & audit trail

Automatically track and keep an audit trail of who has and who hasn’t read and attested to policy documentation.



With Xoralia, whenever you assigned a document to an audience as a 'must read', the policy owner or admin can view a 'read report' for that document.

The report displays who in the target audience has and hasn’t read the document. This provides an easy way for policy managers to keep track of who needs chasing for attestation.

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Keep an audit trail

Reports can be downloaded and saved as excel documents and used as an audit trail to record who has electronically attested to policies and the date in which they attested. This can help to mitigate legal risk through the tracking of employees attestation.

Ensure policies are understood with quizzes

Policies and procedures are important to ensure that employees understand specific information that is required for carrying out their jobs safely and in compliance with legal regulations.

With Xoralia, you can ensure that employees have thoroughly read a policy document by assigning a quiz that tests their knowledge and understanding of a given subject. You can also set a mandatory pass rate.

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