Reporting suite

Reporting suite

For users that are a Xoralia system administrator, a suite of reports is now available to help with the use and statistics stored within Xoralia. The following reports are available with their denoted purpose below and can be found in the Reports button in the heading menu.

1. Xoralia system information: This report will help system users to identify the use of Xoralia and details how many document libraries are associated with Xoralia, how many documents are displayed within Xoralia, how many documents are assigned to users to attest to, how many assignments there are across all users within all documents and how many documents have been read throughout the Xoralia read reports

2. Document information: This report allows you to extract an excel document that details the metadata information of all documents stored across Xoralia across all libraries.

3. Document expired or pending review: This report is particularly useful for compliance managers as it highlights all documents that are pending review via their document owner or administrator and all documents that are expired and may no longer be valid.

4. Document and associated assignments: Select and view all the users that have been assigned a document to read. The report will allow the system admin to view all assignees and their read status against the current assignment of the chosen document. Note: You cannot view more than one document at a time when extracting this report.

5. User read history: See details of all individuals that have been assigned a document within Xoralia and their read status history per document. Not one user must be chosen at a time.

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