How to assign yourself or others as Document Owners

How to assign yourself or others as Document Owners

Assigning document ownership is a crucial aspect of effective policy management. Document owners are responsible for the creation, maintenance, and review of policies and procedures. Clearly defining ownership ensures accountability and helps maintain the accuracy and relevance of documents. Using policy management software, organizations can easily assign and track document owners, set automated reminders for reviews, and streamline the approval process. This ensures that all documents are up-to-date and compliant with current standards.

To be a Document Owner means the user will be able to assign the document to a user or groups to read in Xoralia. The metadata field that drives these permissions can be found in SharePoint.

First, navigate to your SharePoint site and document library associated with Xoralia. You should see three columns which drive the access and data displayed in Xoralia, Document Contact, Document Owner and Document Version. Edit these columns using grid view.

The Document Owner column is a People Picker field. Select as many Document Owners as you need within your Active Directory to manage the document within Xoralia. Giving people the Document Owner permission means they will be able to set expiry dates, assign documents, set read by dates and access document read history in Xoralia.

Exit grid view once done, then wait a few minutes for Xoralia to sync and pull through the new permission level.

Read report

Read report

Within the read report there are three tabs for attestation information. The read and not read tabs are indicative of all individuals that are currently assigned the document and their attestation (read) status.

The log tab, provides an extensive view of all read history of the document, regardless of active assignments, plus details of when email reminders have been sent by document owners.

All tabs are downloadable, using the ‘Download this report’ button.

The read tab will give you details of all active assignees that have read the document. It also details the version of the document they read, on what date and other information such as if the status was overridden by the document owner at any point in time.

The not read tab is the same format as the read tab, including functionality to search for users within the assignment by name, location, and department. As a document owner you can also override the status of each individual if desired.

The read log will provide a record of all actions against the documents for both currently assigned and no longer assigned individuals. For example, if someone has left the company, their read records will remain in the log tab.

The log tab is also useful to see when email reminders have been sent to document readers.

All information displayed within the read tabs (including log) is also available in download excel form and follows the same format.

Download user guide: Read report

Reporting suite

Reporting suite

For users that are a Xoralia system administrator, a suite of reports is now available to help with the use and statistics stored within Xoralia. The following reports are available with their denoted purpose below and can be found in the Reports button in the heading menu.

1. Xoralia system information: This report will help system users to identify the use of Xoralia and details how many document libraries are associated with Xoralia, how many documents are displayed within Xoralia, how many documents are assigned to users to attest to, how many assignments there are across all users within all documents and how many documents have been read throughout the Xoralia read reports

2. Document information: This report allows you to extract an excel document that details the metadata information of all documents stored across Xoralia across all libraries.

3. Document expired or pending review: This report is particularly useful for compliance managers as it highlights all documents that are pending review via their document owner or administrator and all documents that are expired and may no longer be valid.

4. Document and associated assignments: Select and view all the users that have been assigned a document to read. The report will allow the system admin to view all assignees and their read status against the current assignment of the chosen document. Note: You cannot view more than one document at a time when extracting this report.

5. User read history: See details of all individuals that have been assigned a document within Xoralia and their read status history per document. Not one user must be chosen at a time.

Download user guide: Reporting suite Xoralia

Xoralia user dashboard

Xoralia user dashboard

With the release of a user dashboard, end users are now able to view their read statistics against all documents across all document libraries in a singular view. Our new dashboard displays long term statistics in an easily understood visual chart, encouraging them to read documents on time and try to improve their average quiz score.


Our mandatory documents section details a user’s attestation history throughout all time, alongside metadata such as document title, document version, the date attested to and their quiz score. The list also details unread assigned and links to each document for ease of attestation.

Download user guide: Xoralia user dashboard

When to use Xoralia and when to use SharePoint

When to use Xoralia and when to use SharePoint

When Xoralia is associated with one or more document libraries in your SharePoint you can carry out most common tasks inside the user-friendly Xoralia interface. However, some tasks can’t be done in Xoralia or are best done in SharePoint.

The table below outlines typical document management tasks that a document owner might carry out, and indicates whether it can be done inside Xoralia or SharePoint (or both). Some of these may change as we improve Xoralia, allowing you to do more from within the Xoralia interface.

Task Can be done in Xoralia? Can be done in SharePoint? Can be done using PowerAutomate?
Requesting to create a new document No No Yes
Adding or creating new documents in a document library No Yes Yes
Reviewing existing documents (i.e. making changes to a doc) when there is no workflow associated with a document No Yes No
Reviewing existing documents (i.e. making changes to a doc) when there is workflow associated with a document No Yes Yes
Automate document workflow tasks such as approving document changes, requesting approval from a manager etc. No No Yes
Changing the expiry date on a document Yes No Yes
Adding or changing metadata properties of a document (e.g. document owner, tags, version number etc.) No, except expiry date Yes No
Managing version numbers (note that there are two types of version numbers – for more information on this, see Understanding policy version numbers) No Yes Yes
Rolling back to a previous version of a document No Yes No
Archiving old documents that are no longer needed No Yes Yes
Assigning a document for users to read and asking them to attest to having read it Yes No No
Viewing reports and analytics on who has and who hasn’t attested to reading a document Yes No No

The table below outlines typical tasks that an end user (e.g. an employee who is not a document owner) might carry out, and indicates whether it can be done inside Xoralia or SharePoint (or both):

Task Can be done in Xoralia? Can be done in SharePoint?
Searching for a document Yes Yes
Reading a document Yes Yes
Reading an assigned document and attesting to having read it Yes No
Viewing document read tasks that have been assigned to me Yes No
Checking which assigned documents I have read and haven’t read Yes No

Document reviews and expiry

Document reviews and expiries

In most policy management scenarios, policy owners have to review their policies (normally annually) to ensure that they are still relevant and in line with best practice.

Documents due for review

Xoralia helps document owners to stay on top of these review tasks by showing a ‘Due for review’ flag inside Xoralia and also by sending reminder notifications when policies are reaching expiry. Notifications are sent 30, 15, 7, 3, 2, 1 and 0 days before expiry. A final notification is sent the day after expiry. The system sends out notifications once a day. The notification contains instructions explaining what the document owner needs to do to reset the expiry date and prevent the document from expiring.

In a simple scenario, a document owner might merely read the document and make changes as appropriate as part of the review. In a more complex scenario, a review could trigger a workflow which might include document changes by the owner, a review of those changes by colleagues, and then a final approval by a line manager. In either scenario, these actions would be carried out in Word Online or SharePoint. Nothing happens in Xoralia until the review has taken place. In fact, the current live version of the document would stay in place and users can continue to attest to have read the document. Once all review steps have happened, the document owner simply goes to the document in Xoralia and changes the expiry date to a suitable date. This action, providing the expiry date is set to more than 30 days out, will take the document out of the ‘Due for review’ state. No further notifications will be sent and the ‘Due for review’ flag will disappear.

Documents that have expired

If a document is allowed to go past its expiry date then a red ‘Expired’ flag will show next to the document. This will be visible by all users. The document can still be viewed and any assignments can still take place. A key difference with expired documents is that any users who have attestation assignments against that document will also see a large red warning sign telling them that the document has expired. Users may therefore decide not to attest to a document but instead contact the owner to see if a document update is imminent. Document owners should avoid letting documents expire as this could affect the confidence that users have in the content of the document. A further risk is that users feel that they can ignore their mandatory read tasks.

How to take a document out of its expired state

The action for removing a document out of its expired state is identical as taking out of the review state described above. Also as above, any document changes or workflows would happen inside Word Online or SharePoint. All Xoralia needs is a new expiry date in order to reset the document to an ordinary state.

Download user guide: Document reviews and expiry

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