Xoralia 3.2 release notes

Xoralia 3.2 release notes

Highlights of this release:


Group together relevant documents for users to browse categories easily, e.g. “New starter pack” or “ISO:27001 documents.

Collection admins can be set by the Xoralia administrator in the Xoralia Settings.

Collection admins will receive a new menu item beneath Document Governance where they can create collections and manage collections once created.

Collection admins, once they have created a collection, can add other owners to help them manage and add to existing collections. Only Collection admins can create collections, once created the collection admin automatically gets added to the ownership group of that collections. Collection owners can edit the settings and documents, and delete the collections they own.

Collections will display to readers within our next release, allowing time for the administrative task of configuration of Collections ahead of Xoralia 3.3 – where a new navigation will simplify browsing.


Allow users to favourite documents or collections, making them more easily accessible upon re-entering Xoralia.

My dashboard update

A more purposeful user dashboard for everyone, with user favourites displayed for quick access to documents.

New report: Document library information

See details of all document libraries synced with Xoralia and their compliance information – useful for managers that need to provide reporting per document library, which is often set by department, division, or location.

New report: Compliance per user

See details of all staff and their compliance rate across all their assignments. A quick solution to see who is least compliant and needs to work on their policy knowledge.

Re-read post document update

Policies should be regularly maintained and updated, and after the changes it is often required of readers to re-read and attest to reading the policy again. The new re-read button enables a simple process to request users to re-read the document, giving them a new assignment date and read by deadline based on original assignment details.

Organisation wide most-viewed documents

A high level overview for Xoralia admins to understand the most viewed documents across Xoralia. The information can be found under Reports > Document information.

Xoralia 3.1 release notes

Xoralia 3.1 release notes

Highlights of this release:

Document update workflow

Our new document update workflow allows you to connect a drafts library with your existing library and implement a structured and semi-automated process to help you update your documents.

While leaving the live library in tact for the remainder of the organisation to read, our new feature allows you to create a draft from the existing documents, update its content and distribute to reviews to make corrections and changes ahead of sending it for approval. The approval feature provides a higher level of control, at first only requesting comments alongside the review or approval – although we also allow for approvers to unlock the document for minor edits should they feel necessary.

Then the final stage of our document update workflow process is to publish the document, which is only allowed once the document has been approved by at least one approver. The document that has been through the process as above can then be published to the live library, overwriting its legacy version all while maintaining version history within SharePoint and audit logs within Xoralia.

Xoralia 3.0 release notes

Xoralia 3.0 release notes

Highlights of this release:

Line Managers dashboard

Xoralia’s Manager dashboard works using your Microsoft365 Active Directory. For individuals who manage a team and are specified with the Manager field of their teams User profile, Xoralia’s new functionality will allow manager’s to check their teams attestation records and compliance information!

Global search (across all document libraries)

We understand users often don’t know where documents live and their appropriate library. To resolve this issue we have implemented a global search in our new navigation. This allows users to search for partial or full document titles and the results allow them to further refine via filters such as Tags and by Document Contact.

User centric navigation

Xoralia has a re-vamped navigation. Previously the application has required its users to navigate to find documents by first selecting a document library, however our new navigation provides every user with a targeted, more user-centric, consolidated library – “Documents I must read”. This new landing page provides a more useful view, providing the ability to see all outstanding attestations across all document libraries in one view.

Urgent indicator for overdue reads

Building upon our new “Documents I must read” landing page, Xoralia has a new indicator within the navigation to highlight when any attestations are overdue.

Browse by library

Understanding that users may still want to be able to browse documents by library – whether they’re documents requiring attestation or not – the browse by library feature is here to stay, too. Document libraries can be accessed via our ‘quick access’ buttons that display within the My reads section. There is also a dropdown option within the navigation that will show all libraries synced with Xoralia to the user.

Document governance (the new Documents you manage)

“Documents you own” has been re-named to “Document governance”, and what was formally known as “All my documents” is now called “My libraries”. Similarly to our navigation re-structure, My libraries now allows for a simpler method to move through libraries where you are a Document Owner.

“Documents due for review” and “Documents that have expired” have been condensed into one area, “Documents due an update”, and now to quickly identify expired documents Xoralia will show a red exclamation mark next to the documents with an expiry date in the past.

A consolidated ‘Assigned documents’ area

To manage and check the information on documents that have been assigned more quickly, our new navigation contains “Assigned documents” where assigned documents across all libraries will be shown to their respective Document Owners.

Xoralia 2.7.0 release notes 

Xoralia 2.7.0 release notes

Highlights of this release:

Mute reminder emails on weekends

We understand not all organisations work on weekends. So, we’ve given each of our Xoralia customers the options to mute notifications being sent from Xoralia on weekends, Saturday and Sunday.

Cleverly, our solution now summarises the emails that should have been received on the weekend (if any) such as document read reminders and document expiry reminders, and will provide a ‘weekend summary email’ per user on Mondays.

Reminder emails consolidation

Xoralia currently send emails as per the reminder email schedule, which is 30 days, 14 days, 7 days, 3 days ahead of read by date deadline. But, we understand this might be too many emails should reminders of different schedules (for example 14 days and 7 days) fall on the same day.

From the release date of Xoralia v2.7, all reminder emails will be consolidated. Remaining as email subject ‘Reminder – mandatory read task’, except now all documents regardless of reminder urgency will be consolidated into one simple email, highlight the read by date also.

Document read history recovery (within 90 days)

Perhaps a document is accidentally removed from the Xoralia library along with its read history, and after re-uploading the read history is deleted? Our new recovery feature allows for documents with the same name to be assigned its previous read history records. Provided the Document Name is the same in SharePoint and the document was only removed from SharePoint less than 90 days prior to re-uploading Xoralia will auto assign all the read history back to the document.

This covers mistakes, and intentional offline document scenarios, such as document offline reviews.

Read history re-instated for a user removed and re-added to an AD group

If a document reader ever gets removed or re-added to an AD group Xoralia recognises that is the same user from Active Directory being assigned the policy. Subsequently, read history within the document read history is now retained and reinstated.

New report: All overdue assignments

Its quite likely that one day you’ll want to view all overdue attestations/assignments across all libraries, Xoralia v2.7 covers that. With a click of one button you can see who has an outstanding assignment that is overdue, what document and its version is pending action, the read by dates and how many days the task is overdue by.

Visio documents within Xoralia

Pre Xoralia v2.7, the application only processed the following file types, 'doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'ppt', 'pptx', 'pdf', 'csv', 'txt', 'odt', 'ods', 'odp'. Xoralia now also accepts and successfully displays ‘vsdx’ files (Viseo).

Date assigned and read by date displayed within the read report

To make it clear when documents were assigned to users, especially for assignment using AD groups, when have added the date assigned and relative read by date information on the read report. This will be useful in seeing when users were assigned the document and also if they read it on time.

Metadata refinement and re-arrangement

We have rearranged the metadata slightly as to simplify the user interface of Xoralia. The review date has been removed and it was superfluous to the expiry date (minus 45 days).

Bug fixes

Recurring documents

Pre v2.7 Xoralia recurring document logic was not functioning correctly. Subsequently the outstanding tasks for attestation after the relative read by deadline would have the deadline changed to the read end cycle, rather than be marked as overdue as intended. Also, when the document recurred, the algorithm was providing the document reader the full recurring date period of time to re-attest to reading the document.

Moving forwards, Xoralia will provide the user the relative amount of time to read the document with the status ‘unread’, after the relative date deadline the document will be marked as overdue. The document will continue to be marked as overdue until the document has been read, even after the document should have recurred. Only once the user has read the document will the document attestation assignment recur (as set within the assignment screen by the document owner), meaning the reader may be asked to read the document again immediately (if it is within the new recurring time frame only).

If the document has continuously been read on time, they will only need to attest to the document once within each recurrence period.

There is also an enhancement for all recurring scenarios – including read on time, overdue, read not on time, read with a new assignment read by date after recurrence, read after recurring date. Note, no existing data will be changed, but instead the new logic will be applied to each user as their assignments are read or on the existing recurring dates if the document has already been read with the current recurring cycle.

Select all to select throughout pagination

Within the read report, there is a feature to ‘Select all’ individuals within the tab which can be us to mark the document as read or unread for those records, or to ‘Send a reminder’ to the selected users. Previously the select all only worked per page, but the functionality has been enhanced so that it now caters for ‘Select all’ across all pages within the ‘Read’ or ‘Not read’ tab.

% read indicator in Documents I own

When users are added or removed from the AD group assigned to a document, the percentage read indicator will now display correctly as per increase or decrease in AD group

Dashboard statistics updated to reflect recurring documents

Dashboard metrics are now inclusive of recurring documents, giving a full truth representation of remaining unread documents, documents read on time and overdue documents.

Power automate workflows

Power automate workflows

Power Automate is a cloud-based workflow automation tool that helps individuals and organizations automate their business processes. With its easy-to-use interface and pre-built connectors, Power Automate allows users to create custom workflows that automate repetitive tasks, streamline business processes, and integrate with other applications.

One of the many use cases for Power Automate is creating template documents. This can be particularly useful for businesses that frequently create standardized documents such as contracts, proposals, or invoices. With Power Automate, users can automate the creation of these documents by using pre-built templates, merging data from other sources, and even automating the approval and sending process.

Other benefits that Content Formula utilise is the ability to automate the document lifecycle beyond the creation of the content using the template. This includes anything from a simple one step approval process to a multi complex stream of workflows triggered using different metadata but to the end user seems like a simple click of a button.

The project steps we take to set up these processes to ensure they are entirely relevant and valuable is first to run a discovery process. During this meeting we delve deep into your current business processes and also your desired process, then with our specialist knowledge we try to simplify the process even further before implementing the PowerAutomate flow.

While implementing the PowerAutomate flows, we also utilise the power of Active Directory groups. Either of the flows, for example a document review or approval process, the automated audience used can be linked to an Active Directory group. This allows for a dynamic approach to the document lifecycle, making sure the efficiency of document updates is kept at an all time high.

The process demonstrated in our video demonstrates a document review and approval process. These processes have been configured to take different actions and different styles and methods of communication to meet those requirements analysed during the discovery process.

In summary, our specialist knowledge in PowerAutomate, workflows and policy management solutions (enhanced with Xoralia) we can create efficient automated processes to meet multiple criteria.

Xoralia 2.6.0 release notes

Xoralia 2.6.0 release notes

Highlights of this release:

Multi-lingual interface

Opening up Xoralia to organisation with multiple geographical locations and multi-language speakers, our new option for each user to select their desired language will help with ease of system use. The new enhancement allows for any language update from the Microsoft directory, including Spanish, German, French, Italian, and even Mandarin.

Document data history retainment

Documents get deleted by accident, it happens! Documents also get downloaded and deleted intentionally. Also document change their title from time to time. To ensure read history data remains available in the interface to Document Owners at all times, Xoralia has a catch all feature that means if any of the above scenarios arise the documents will automatically be re-recognised by Xoralia provided it is within a 90 day period.

Note, if a document is deleted in SharePoint by accident the user must restore using SharePoint’s own recycle bin if it has been deleted less than 10 minutes. Due to Xoralia and SharePoint’s sync cycle a document re-uploaded too quickly can cause the document ID within SharePoint and Xoralia to conflict as Xoralia won’t have finished processing the removal of the old document.

Also, if you are to re-upload a document to SharePoint and to rename the document immediately, Xoralia will not have synced with the new, reinvented document yet. Please wait 10 minutes to rename the document after uploading to SharePoint.

Dashboard metrics sort order

To ensure usability for each document reader, Xoralia provides a dashboard with a new sort order feature. Sort by Version and Read by date for efficient browsing.

Dashboard recurrence indicator

Every document reader can easily see the difference between a one-time assignment and a recurring assignment via their dashboard. Our new feature prepares each reader for their regular attestations!

Xoralia 2.5.0 release notes

Xoralia 2.5.0 release notes

Highlights of this release:

Xoralia in Teams mobile enabled

The Xoralia in Teams integration has been available for some time, however to make it even easier for mobile users (front-line workers etc) we have also made Xoralia Teams compatible in mobile. Users can browse, view and attest to reading document in Teams on mobile.

Email reminder update

Before, our reminder notifications for end-users to read their document came 30, 15, 7 and 3, 2, 1 and 0 days before the due date, and a final notification is sent the day after the due date. We have since enhanced this functionality so that if the ready by date has passed, the assignee gets chased every 7 days post their lapsed read by date. This is to ensure chasers are sent notifications each week and they are not forgotten.

User dashboard UI enhancements

Average quiz score update includes removed documents

The user dashboard now helps users to understand the calculation of all their average quiz scores over time, so that it includes documents that may longer reside within its original document library.

User dashboard displays failed quiz attempts

Since this release, users can see their pass mark for each attempt at every quiz, whatever their pass mark.

Recurring documents UI in user dashboard

If a document assignment has been set as recurring by the document owner, the document reader will be able to identify the document as recurring, and see the regularity of the recurrence, in their user dashboard

Document viewer upgrade (better quality iFrame/user experience, plus the ability to download or print documents)

The document preview feature now allows for an easier user experience, enabling the user to zoom in and out of documents when reading them on desktop or mobile. This feature also allows users to download and print their documents, or read in accessibility mode.

Other UI changes

Document library sort order

Document libraries are easier to find now in the sort order A-Z. This is particularly beneficial for mobile users.

Document viewer width improved for Document Owners

The Document owner previewer pane is much wider, for a better reading experience when reviewing and assigning documents.

Expired label added to Document Owner pane

Documents that have expired and require review are clearly displayed to the document owner even when assigning documents.

Xoralia 2.4.0 release notes

Xoralia 2.4.0 release notes

Highlights of this release:

User dashboard

With the release of a user dashboard, end users are now able to view their read statistics against all documents across all document libraries in a singular view. Our new dashboard displays long term statistics in an easily understood visual chart, encouraging them to read documents on time and try to improve their average quiz score.

For more information, visit our knowledge base page: Xoralia user dashboard

Suite of reports

For users that are a Xoralia system administrator, a suite of reports is now available to help with the use and statistics stored within Xoralia. The following reports are available with their denoted purpose below and can be found in the Reports button in the heading menu.

  1. Xoralia system information
  2. Document information
  3. Document expired or pending review
  4. Document and associated assignments
  5. User read history

For more information, visit our knowledge base page: Reporting suite

Custom notification email address

There is now the functionality to update the email address used by Xoralia to send notifications to individuals within your organisation.

For instructions on how to update the email address used by Xoralia to send notifications to individuals within your organisation, visit our knowledge base page: Changing Xoralia notification emails

Notification on/off functionlity

There is functionality in Xoralia to turn on and off notifications to document owners and end users as well as to modify the from email address.

The toggles and domain modification settings can be found by Xoralia system administrators under the settings menu, which can be found top right to the Xoralia landing screen.

Extensive read history logs

An additional tab has been released into the Xoralia read reports allowing for the visibility and audit history of document readers who are no longer assigned a document, either through the recipient assignees field or whether they have been removed from the active directory group.

The log tab also records when an email reminder was sent to each user, when and by whom. Also, it tracks whether the status change was forced by an administrator or changed by the document reader.

All read tabs are downloadable using our Download this report button and are styled for ease of use.

For more information, visit our knowledge base page: Read report

Read report

Read report

Within the read report there are three tabs for attestation information. The read and not read tabs are indicative of all individuals that are currently assigned the document and their attestation (read) status.

The log tab, provides an extensive view of all read history of the document, regardless of active assignments, plus details of when email reminders have been sent by document owners.

All tabs are downloadable, using the ‘Download this report’ button.

The read tab will give you details of all active assignees that have read the document. It also details the version of the document they read, on what date and other information such as if the status was overridden by the document owner at any point in time.

The not read tab is the same format as the read tab, including functionality to search for users within the assignment by name, location, and department. As a document owner you can also override the status of each individual if desired.

The read log will provide a record of all actions against the documents for both currently assigned and no longer assigned individuals. For example, if someone has left the company, their read records will remain in the log tab.

The log tab is also useful to see when email reminders have been sent to document readers.

All information displayed within the read tabs (including log) is also available in download excel form and follows the same format.

Download user guide: Read report

Changing Xoralia notification emails

Changing xoralia notification emails

Changing the notification emails from Xoralia to your custom domain

To update the email address used by Xoralia to send notifications to individuals within your organisation, please ensure first you have an appropriate email address set up within your Active Directory, set with email address and password. The account must also have the correct license to send emails from the account.

The steps below document the process to update/active and de-activate your custom email from address. Note if unchanged or reset, all emails from Xoralia will be received from [email protected].

1. First, switch the Connect account toggle to on, and type the desired from email address into the search field. Click Authorise and save.

2. Next, authentication is required using a password.

3. Once successfully authenticated, authenticate button will be greyed.

4. It is recommended a test email is sent from Xoralia to confirm the account.

5. Test email will be sent to Xoralia system administrators and the account populated within the search field in Xoralia settings.

6. View example below of custom email address being used from Xoralia from a document reader’s perspective.

7. To disconnect or modify the custom notification email address, turn off the Connected account toggle and click ‘Save’. Unless Save is clicked, email address will not be modified.

8. Once reset, the notifications will again be received from [email protected] and the connected account will appear as off.

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