Financial services & banking
Get started with Xoralia for free (no credit card needed)
Sign up for a free Xoralia account and explore core functionalities designed to simplify your policy management on a single document. While the free account offers a solid range of features, it includes slightly reduced functionality compared to the full version.
Comparison of features
Managed documents
Notifications, attestations and document governance
Dashboards for compliance managers, doc owners, line managers
Quiz builder
Policy hub for all your documents
Teams app and Teams notifications
SharePoint webparts for your intranet
Multiple documents across multiple document libraries
Downloadable system reports
Document workflow (review/approval process)
Free plan
per annum
Premium plan
per annum
Free plan
per annum-
One managed documents
Notifications, attestations & document governance
Dashboards for compliance managers, doc owners, line managers
Quiz builder
Policy hub for all your documents
Teams app & Teams notifications
SharePoint webparts for your intranet
Multiple documents across multiple document libraries
Downloadable system reports
Document workflow (review/approval process)
Premium plan
per annum-
One managed documents
Notifications, attestations & document governance
Dashboards for compliance managers, doc owners, line managers
Quiz builder
Policy hub for all your documents
Teams app & Teams notifications
SharePoint webparts for your intranet
Multiple documents across multiple document libraries
Downloadable system reports
Document workflow (review/approval process)
Want to see Xoralia in action and find out how can help your business?
Proceed with self-installation
Installing Xoralia requires Microsoft 365 administrator-level access, so you may need to contact your IT team to ensure the necessary permissions are granted for your organization.
Installation typically takes less than 15 minutes and simply involves accepting the Microsoft verified Enterprise Application we provide during our guided installation.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our support team at [email protected], and we’ll be happy to help.