Xoralia 2.4.0 release notes

Xoralia 2.4.0 release notes

Highlights of this release:

User dashboard

With the release of a user dashboard, end users are now able to view their read statistics against all documents across all document libraries in a singular view. Our new dashboard displays long term statistics in an easily understood visual chart, encouraging them to read documents on time and try to improve their average quiz score.

For more information, visit our knowledge base page: Xoralia user dashboard

Suite of reports

For users that are a Xoralia system administrator, a suite of reports is now available to help with the use and statistics stored within Xoralia. The following reports are available with their denoted purpose below and can be found in the Reports button in the heading menu.

  1. Xoralia system information
  2. Document information
  3. Document expired or pending review
  4. Document and associated assignments
  5. User read history

For more information, visit our knowledge base page: Reporting suite

Custom notification email address

There is now the functionality to update the email address used by Xoralia to send notifications to individuals within your organisation.

For instructions on how to update the email address used by Xoralia to send notifications to individuals within your organisation, visit our knowledge base page: Changing Xoralia notification emails

Notification on/off functionlity

There is functionality in Xoralia to turn on and off notifications to document owners and end users as well as to modify the from email address.

The toggles and domain modification settings can be found by Xoralia system administrators under the settings menu, which can be found top right to the Xoralia landing screen.

Extensive read history logs

An additional tab has been released into the Xoralia read reports allowing for the visibility and audit history of document readers who are no longer assigned a document, either through the recipient assignees field or whether they have been removed from the active directory group.

The log tab also records when an email reminder was sent to each user, when and by whom. Also, it tracks whether the status change was forced by an administrator or changed by the document reader.

All read tabs are downloadable using our Download this report button and are styled for ease of use.

For more information, visit our knowledge base page: Read report

Read report

Read report

Within the read report there are three tabs for attestation information. The read and not read tabs are indicative of all individuals that are currently assigned the document and their attestation (read) status.

The log tab, provides an extensive view of all read history of the document, regardless of active assignments, plus details of when email reminders have been sent by document owners.

All tabs are downloadable, using the ‘Download this report’ button.

The read tab will give you details of all active assignees that have read the document. It also details the version of the document they read, on what date and other information such as if the status was overridden by the document owner at any point in time.

The not read tab is the same format as the read tab, including functionality to search for users within the assignment by name, location, and department. As a document owner you can also override the status of each individual if desired.

The read log will provide a record of all actions against the documents for both currently assigned and no longer assigned individuals. For example, if someone has left the company, their read records will remain in the log tab.

The log tab is also useful to see when email reminders have been sent to document readers.

All information displayed within the read tabs (including log) is also available in download excel form and follows the same format.

Download user guide: Read report

Changing Xoralia notification emails

Changing xoralia notification emails

Changing the notification emails from Xoralia to your custom domain

To update the email address used by Xoralia to send notifications to individuals within your organisation, please ensure first you have an appropriate email address set up within your Active Directory, set with email address and password. The account must also have the correct license to send emails from the account.

The steps below document the process to update/active and de-activate your custom email from address. Note if unchanged or reset, all emails from Xoralia will be received from [email protected].

1. First, switch the Connect account toggle to on, and type the desired from email address into the search field. Click Authorise and save.

2. Next, authentication is required using a password.

3. Once successfully authenticated, authenticate button will be greyed.

4. It is recommended a test email is sent from Xoralia to confirm the account.

5. Test email will be sent to Xoralia system administrators and the account populated within the search field in Xoralia settings.

6. View example below of custom email address being used from Xoralia from a document reader’s perspective.

7. To disconnect or modify the custom notification email address, turn off the Connected account toggle and click ‘Save’. Unless Save is clicked, email address will not be modified.

8. Once reset, the notifications will again be received from [email protected] and the connected account will appear as off.

Reporting suite

Reporting suite

For users that are a Xoralia system administrator, a suite of reports is now available to help with the use and statistics stored within Xoralia. The following reports are available with their denoted purpose below and can be found in the Reports button in the heading menu.

1. Xoralia system information: This report will help system users to identify the use of Xoralia and details how many document libraries are associated with Xoralia, how many documents are displayed within Xoralia, how many documents are assigned to users to attest to, how many assignments there are across all users within all documents and how many documents have been read throughout the Xoralia read reports

2. Document information: This report allows you to extract an excel document that details the metadata information of all documents stored across Xoralia across all libraries.

3. Document expired or pending review: This report is particularly useful for compliance managers as it highlights all documents that are pending review via their document owner or administrator and all documents that are expired and may no longer be valid.

4. Document and associated assignments: Select and view all the users that have been assigned a document to read. The report will allow the system admin to view all assignees and their read status against the current assignment of the chosen document. Note: You cannot view more than one document at a time when extracting this report.

5. User read history: See details of all individuals that have been assigned a document within Xoralia and their read status history per document. Not one user must be chosen at a time.

Download user guide: Reporting suite Xoralia

Xoralia user dashboard

Xoralia user dashboard

With the release of a user dashboard, end users are now able to view their read statistics against all documents across all document libraries in a singular view. Our new dashboard displays long term statistics in an easily understood visual chart, encouraging them to read documents on time and try to improve their average quiz score.


Our mandatory documents section details a user’s attestation history throughout all time, alongside metadata such as document title, document version, the date attested to and their quiz score. The list also details unread assigned and links to each document for ease of attestation.

Download user guide: Xoralia user dashboard

Xoralia Power Automate Flow Functionality  

Xoralia Power Automate Flow Functionality

The following information describes the process of up-versioning a document stored in a SharePoint document library synced with Xoralia using PowerAutomate.

1. Installation requirements

The detail assumes that a Power Automate workflow has been deployed to the tenant environment by Content Formula. Due to limitations with Power Automate, the workflow requires that:

  1. Each SharePoint site must have its own 'Drafts' library, and its own 'Send for Review' and 'Send for Approval' Power Automate workflow deployed by ContentFormula.

  2. Each Document Library (in a given Site) synced with Xoralia must have its own 'Copy to drafts' Power Automate workflow deployed by ContentFormula.

  3. Each SharePoint site must have its own 'Drafts' document library.

2. Prerequisites

For a given SharePoint site e.g. https://cfcloud.sharepoint.com/sites/OOTB_Accelerate there must be:

  1. A document library containing word documents of policies that are synced with Xoralia e.g. Accelerate - HR policies - All Documents (sharepoint.com)

  2. A document library called 'Drafts' – it is in this folder that the revised document will undergo editing, and a review and approval stage.

Furthermore anyone responsible for carrying out this workload must be a member of an Azure Active Directory (AAD) group called 'Document Approvers'.

3. Procedure

For this tutorial, we will assume that the 'Annual Leave Policy.docx' policy is to be upgraded from version '1' to '2'

3.1 Copy to Drafts

Click the 'Copy to drafts' button for the relevant document – a panel should then show up on the right hand side of the browser window.

Then click the 'Run flow' button.

The user will then receive an e-mail notification if the document was successfully copied to the 'Drafts' document Library.

3.2 Send for review

At this stage of the workflow, the editor will make changes to the document ready for the members of the 'Document Approvers' group to comment on.

Once the revised document has been finalised, the document is expected to be sent 'for review' – this can be thought of an informal review process prior to sending the document for approval, where members of the group can leave comments on the document.

It is important that the 'Document Version' column metadata is not left blank, otherwise the flow will fail.

Click the 'Send for review button for the relevant document – a panel should then show up on the right hand side of the browser window.

Then click the 'Run flow' button.

The members of the 'Document Reviewers' group should then receive an email reminding them to review the document

3.2 Send for approval

At this stage of the workflow, the editor will send the document for 'Approval' to the members of the 'Document Approvers' AAD group.

Once this approval process has successfully been completed, the document can/will be deleted from the 'Drafts' document library and will replace the existing document in the document library it originated from.

It is important that the 'Document Version' column metadata is not left blank, otherwise the flow will fail. This is a parameter that can be set up as part of the flow but it is on necessary.

Once done, the user is expected to click the 'Send for approval' button for the relevant document – a panel should then show up on the right hand side of the browser window.

The editor must manually specify the document library for which the document is to be copied into / override the original document. This is to ensure the document can be sent back to its original document library automatically once the approval process is complete.

User to then click the 'Run flow' button.

The members of the 'Document Reviewers' group then receive an email with an adaptive card as per below, giving them the choice to either 'Approve' or 'Reject' the document, and leave comments if appropriate.

Each person in the group must approve the document for it to override the original in the specified Document Library. It could also be specified only the first user has to approval the document.

If the document is approved, the editor then receives an e-mail informing them if the document has been approved along with each approver's comments:

The document in the original document library will be then overridden with the newly approved document (if parameter is set), and the draft version in the 'Drafts' document library will be deleted:

Installing the Xoralia Teams app

Installing the Xoralia Teams apps

Installing Xoralia in Teams (with notifications)

To enable Xoralia in Teams and the custom Xoralia notifications we have configured, you may need the app package from our support team.

Note you must have admin centre permission privileges to continue with the following process.

Once you have the app file (will come in ZIP file form), you will need to open the following URL: https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/policies/manage-apps

Click upload new app, once uploaded, you should then see the Teams app in the Microsoft Teams store for you to install to your Teams client.

Users will then be able to pin Xoralia themselves, or you will able to do this as an administrator organisation wide within the admin centre.

Notifications will automatically work once the package has been uploaded.

Download user guide: Installing the Xoralia Teams app

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